Vocational Training Program

Vocational Training Program @ Vision India.

With the underline motto that “Every child has the right to education” Uttar Pradesh government laid the foundation of Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan. The project ensures that right schools have to be provided within the approach of every child.

RMSA is a centrally sponsored scheme to expand the learning opportunities of children at the secondary level in U.P. being implemented by UPRMSA Society. This scheme is for universalization of access to and improvement of quality at the secondary and higher secondary stage in U.P. The purpose is to make good quality education available, accessible and affordable to all young children. It is a state level implementing agency to oversee guide and coordinate overall project implementation allocate funds, maintain project accounts coordinates procurement and monitor implementation.

Role of Vision India Services Pvt. Ltd

Vision India is empanelled as a partner with Uttar Pradesh Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (UPVTP) has been assigned 45 districts across Uttar Pradesh to manage the Training Providers. We need to screen the VTP Trainers as per the eligibility criteria and guidelines prescribed by UPVTP. We need to select and appoint two Trainers per district and then keep handholding them.

  • Qualitative & affordable education to children between 14-18 years
  • Quality check and Screening of VTP Trainers
  • Appointment and assigning duty to the selected VTP Trainers
  • Keeping track of their performance with feedback from UPVTP
  • Creating need based data pool of VTP Trainers to cover the vacated positions
  • Enhanced existing fundamental amenities in high and higher secondary schools
  • To provide extensive infrastructural facilities to every school in the state
  • To procure adequate teaching and administrative staff to every school
  • To make the learning effective joyful and meaningful by quality skill training
  • To ensure an effective & planned progress in the improvement of quality of education in U.P.
  • To develop life skills of students and enhance overall quality of life
  • To ensure that no child is deprived of secondary education of satisfactory quality due to gender socio economics stales, disability or other barriers

Registration for Future Skill

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