UTHAAN Project @ Vision India

UTHAAN by Vision India in partnership with National Skill Development Corporation of India, with the sole Social & National Service motive of “Employ-ability Campaign” is delicately focused on the Underprivileged youth by imparting structured industry specific training and creating gainful employment opportunities.

By Bridging the Gap between the Skill Crunch for Clients and Employable Gap for Individuals we expect to train unskilled population of more than 50424 people during the tenure of project. Our association with Employment sector and Train and Hire strategy gives us an edge in providing right fit manpower at low cost at a very low turnaround time to the industry and best salary packages to the candidates.

With a focused mission to fill the vacuum in the space of Quality Staffing in line with the National agenda of Skilling India, we cater to the corporate need of quality Staffing and hence by providing training to the underprivileged youth with necessary and required skill training, we will not only make them employable but also create a pool of skilled employees for the industries, economy and country.

  • Increased productivity
  • Better health and safety records
  • Higher retention rate
  • More vibrant and engaged workforce
  • Better team performance
  • Increased participation and communication
  • Increased worker confidence

Registration for Future Skill

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Our Services

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