Vision India DDU GKY
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY):

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) is a transformative initiative launched by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, in 2014. With a primary focus on rural youth aged 15-35, DDUGKY seeks to empower individuals through targeted skill development, fostering employment opportunities, and bridging the gap between rural talent and industry needs. This flagship program plays a crucial role in enhancing livelihoods, promoting entrepreneurship, and contributing to the overall socio-economic development of rural communities across India.

Vision India is actively executing this impactful project in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. This flagship program plays a crucial role in enhancing livelihoods, promoting entrepreneurship, and contributing to the overall socio-economic development of rural communities across these states, aligning with the broader vision of inclusive growth and skill enhancement in India.

  • Awareness building within the community on the opportunities
  • Identifying rural youth who are poor
  • Mobilising rural youth who are interested
  • Counseling of youth and parents
  • Selection based on aptitude/ screening interview
  • Providing jobs that can be verified through methods that can stand up to independent scrutiny, which pays above minimum wages
  • Supporting the person so employed for sustainability after placement

In the skills sector the emphasis traditionally has been on skilling. Jeevika is further refined by defining placement as continuous work for career progression. These guidelines extend/sharpen this as follows:

  • Ensuring that all trainees are from poor rural households
  • Ensuring that trainees are able to access skilling and placement services free of cost.
  • Providing financial assistance for transport/lodging and food during training.
  • Providing for post placement support for six months.
  • Providing for post-placement counselling, facilitation and tracking for one year.
  • Providing training in a number of trades that do not require formal education.
  • Working with G.P and Self Help Groups (SHGs) to authenticate performance.
  • Beneficiary identification – Mobilisation, counselling and selection of candidates are activities to be undertaken before training is undertaken.
  • Beneficiary mobilization and selection – It has an important role in ensuring that skills & placement needs of all eligible persons in habitations are addressed. The willingness of the candidate identified after mobilisation to undergo training programme has to be ascertained. The selection process for identifying the trainees has to be transparent & open to all stakeholders.
  • Training – Provide information to prospective trainees on nature of work in the sector/trade, availability of jobs, deliverables by employer, entitlements, growth prospects and risks involved
  • Certification – Continuous Assessment- Internal and continuous assessment should be an integral part of the course curriculum. This should be in the form of announced and unannounced quizzes, assignments and other types of tests. The questions asked, answers given and marks obtained by each trainee
  • Placement – Helping candidates with their first break through by providing jobs having regular monthly wages at or above the minimum wages
  • Retention – Those who remain in work for one year are successful in making the transition and very rarely slip back into unemployment. However the process of ensuring a high level of retention requires additional investment

Registration for Future Skill

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